Saturday, April 19, 2008

Chiricahua Hike

The Chiricahua National Monument seems to be a well kept secret. When Dale & Carolyn came to visit in February they spent several days in southeastern Arizona and we encouraged them to see the Chiricahuas. They came back with a glowing review and pictures.
We've been there a few times over the years, including camping with Mom and Dad in the RV. We decided a Chiricahua hike over Easter weekend sounded pretty good. According to the park ranger, the best time to visit is March and early April. We got to the visitor's center by 8:00 in order to catch the shuttle to the top of the mountain. Then we hiked the Echo Canyon trail (4.2 miles), back down to the visitor's center. The best trail is the Heart of the Rocks (7.3 miles round trip) which takes you to some amazing rock formations.

I think we've convinced Joe and Ellen to make the trip next year.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hey - We want to go sometime!