Friday, May 30, 2008

Boulder Trip

We spent several days in Colorado over the Memorial Day weekend, visiting Lauren and Aaron. The first day we drove to Rocky Mountain National Park (ROMO, as the natives call it) and did a hike with Lauren. The weather didn't look very promising at first.

Then it started to hail at the trailhead.
As soon as it cleared, we decided to start hiking.
The clouds lifted and it was beautiful.

Then we got lost and it started to snow.

But the sky cleared and we again had some magnificent views.

Dinner that night was at the Med (a Mediterranian Tapas restaurant).

The next day we drove to Colorado Springs and did a hike nearby with Steve and Amy.

On Saturday, we toured Celestial Seasonings in Boulder and sampled lots of teas.

Then we drove to Red Rocks.

And there was time to tour Coors Brewery in Golden.

On Sunday we did a scenic drive along the Cache La Poudre River, north of ROMO.

View of the Crags

Moose by the side of the road.

Hiked the Big South trail in Roosevelt National Forest.

It rained all day Monday but that didn't stop us from going on a little hike near Boulder on Mt. Flagstaff in Chautauqua Park. We also toured CU and walked along Pearl Street.

There will be other trips to Boulder in the future, of course. Next time Lauren & I will beat the guys in Puerto Rico.


Unknown said...

You didn't mention the amazing sushi!! Thanks again for visiting us. It was so much fun and a great way to start the summer!

Mike said...

Beautiful!!! Take us with you next time you go! We'll LET you win Puerto Rico!

Lee Sytsma said...

Beautiful. Makes me yearn for the mountains. And you guys played Puerto Rico without us?? I'm hurt. Drive out to Milwaukee sometime - I promise to hike every Milwaukee moutain and glacier with you.

Heather said...

Gorgeous! Looks like you all had a great time!